Visualizing heat flow in bamboo could help design more energy-efficient and fire-safe buildings
Modified natural materials will be an essential component of a sustainable future, but first a detailed understanding of their properties is needed....
Bamboo as an Alternative Investment
Why is Bamboo Different? Forestry is a great investment that beats inflation while granting access to get hard money, has a green halo and is...
Plantation study tour looks at the role of bamboo in sustainable economies
How can China’s bamboo plantations increase production sustainably? Will growing global demand for alternative fibres deliver benefits for farmers...
Pros And Cons Of Planting Bamboo In Gardens
What are the pros of planting bamboo in the garden, and are there any reasons not to grow bamboo? That is what’s at question here, and we hope to...
In this posting we address another common misconception when it comes to bamboo farming and the development of commercial bamboo plantations, and...
Bamboo Matures in 3 Years. An extremely misleading statement we come across again and again, and yet, when you talk to anyone with experience in...
BAMBOO GROWS ANYWHERE……. The Importance of Site-Species Selection for Bamboo
Despite the tribe of bamboo - included within the Poaceae family - having upwards of 1,600 individual species, and being split between two extremely...
BAMBOO’S 1,500 USES…The Importance of Product – Species Selection for Bamboo
China's bamboo industry is predominantly built around a single species of temperate monopodial bamboo - Moso, or Phyllostachys edulis. Products,...
Blessed with Bamboo
Blessed with BambooNo calamity can destroy our resiliency as Filipinos. A famous line from the speech choir entitled “The Resiliency of a Filipino”...
PHL eyes more bamboo exports
THE Philippines is eyeing to boost its share in the global market for commercial bamboo products with its plan to establish 1 million hectares of...